Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

flight tickets

Good evening abdulqodirj.posting.

I am sending you the flight tickets for your business conference abroad next month.
Please see the attached and note the date and time.

Taylor Abbott

flight tickets

Good evening abdulqodirj.posting.

I am sending you the flight tickets for your business conference abroad next month.
Please see the attached and note the date and time.

Antonia Barron

bank transactions

Good morning abdulqodirj.posting.

Attached is the bank transactions made from the company during last month.
Please file these transactions into financial record.

Yours truly,
Daryl Huffman

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016



Please sign the attached contract with our technical service company for 2016 � 2017.
We would appreciate your quick response.

King regards,
Mariano Ochoa

(Digital-Signature: b7da9b81ecbad2acc3e53b09ca2beea21f2dd37d9ff5f897735869ec829b1192c96e)

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2016



I attached the project status report in order to update you about the last meeting


Best regards,
Goldie Huber